Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hole in my head

I am not sure why I even bother anymore. I have a friggin cavity!! WTF? Three and maybe four times a day I brush my teeth. It's the sonic vibrating toothbrush that has me hooked. Nothing like having something that sounds like an engine in your. mouth. I have even become obsessive with flossing. I floss at home, at work, and even in the car. Yeah, I really don't care who is watching.

Do you think I was surprised when I saw this pic? Its the black crater above. Even without this picture being enlarged 100x's it looks large enough to park my car there. Then I hear that cavities have a DNA connection. So I have now learned that: 1) it doesn't matter what you do, cavities will come & 2) I can thank my parents for this gift.
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SuperMindy said...

I have to get a root canal tomorrow :( eek

SuperMindy said...

Oh i probably should have introduced myself. I'm mindy I found your blog from Florida Girl in Sydney :)

.. said...

Hi SM,
Good luck with that root canal. Is this your first time? The procedure is not as bad as you might think- if you don't mind a bit of drilling. If you dentist gets lucky he/she can extract the root in one piece. Ask to take a look, It's one image you will never forget.
: )