Saturday, June 28, 2008

In Heat

This is Stanlee on a Saturday morning. The mean lookin' laser eyes indicates that he is tired of waiting for the air conditioner repairman. Yep, its already 85 degrees at 10 am. I hope he gets here soon, for his sake.
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Friday, June 27, 2008

Back in time

Yesterday can be officially classified as an anomaly. For the first time in a year I avoided my computer. While some actually celebrate this feat and others wonder if this will continue, I at this time can not confirm or deny any duplication. Quite honestly most of my day was spent staring at my ceiling. For I understand that while at 40 I aspire to behave like I am 21, my body is telling me a different story. Last nite, nope the nite before last was spent drinking and playing until 4 a.m.. Twenty-four hours later my body, mind, and spirit are once again aligned. Now just because I understand an outcome, will this keep me from its path?

The pic is a snapshot of my bedroom ceiling fan; just how I saw it- blurry.
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Monday, June 23, 2008

Location, location, location!

This is why I don't bitch too much about the amount of reading I have each semester. Wake me in a few....
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Lovin'

The South Florida summer brings a few different elements into the daily lifestyle. Let's first address the adjustment to the 88% morning, afternoon, and evening humidity. Where else can you test the effectiveness of your deodorant while checking the mail? There have been days where 3 showers have been normal (clean is good) and this will be one of them..

Summer not only brings the heat but the daily rain, thunder, and monsoon storms (Yes, I know there is a relationship between heat and rain. Feel free to post your explanation in the comment section). Having a dog (with Kidney issues) only increases your awareness of when these storms approach. My timing was off for the first week of summer we were caught in 4 storms before we made it back home. I now rush to make it inside before another drop of water lands on my crackberry only to head for the shower.
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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back to School! Part Deux

I have committed to completing my masters degree meaning I have enrolled full time back at school. That actually means 4 papers every week for the next 40 weeks. Shoot me...please. Not sure why I returned, I hated school growing up. Maybe hate is too strong a word here (maybe I'm just a masochist); I just did not care to attend. School distracted me from learning. Now at 40, I just figured that I might as well get a degree for something I will probably do anyway (perhaps with less writing).

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last Cup

The nagging...ooopps I mean concerns from my Mom regarding health and high blood pressure has gotten to me. This morning was my last cup of caffeine laced coffee. We had great times together, you will be missed and never forgotten. Sniff.
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Monday, June 16, 2008

Me vs. The Bird

What you see here is my dog lost in his own fantasy world. He was clueless that I just saved his candy-ass tail from the dodging, darting, and vicious Mockingbird. I diverted his dog day afternoon from a disaster by actually needing to pop (insert Hulk Smash noise here) the crazed foul in mid air. No need to try and play "Where's Mocky" in the pic, he went squawking back to the nest. My dog will thank me later.
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

What will not happen here

As the better part of the day is in the tub (see earlier post) I come to develop an understanding of what can happen in this tub, what might happen, and what definitely won't happen while in this tub. See if you can figure this out:

1) The chance of getting a great buzz while having a few cocktails while soaking.
2) Entertaining a girlfriend, everyone gets happy!
3) Actually getting clean.

I think I need a shower.
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40 during the Weekend

While I turned forty a few weeks ago it was not until recently did I realize what this meant -- I have turned into my father. This normally would not be a bad thing and its not, yet by looking at the picture, this is how I spent my Saturday and Sunday.

The only reason why I am soaking in the tub is because at 40 and for the first time in my life I developed a case of "pain in the ass" (the events leading to this is for another time). I have also learned from Mom that this condition was common with her dad. Just f'in great!! So today on Father's Day, I celebrate by at least acting like my father - mine or my mom's. And yes, I plan to spend the entire day in the tub.
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