Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Halloween truths

Here are a few thoughts regarding our spooky night
1) There is a relationship between the quality of candy you purchase for halloween and how much is actually available to pass out.
2) If you open the bag before halloween you will eat more than you promised yourself (see #1).
3) Buying crappy candy is not right. Yes, there is crappy candy.
4) If you leave a candy filled bowl unattended by the front door expect the candy and bowl to disappear in 5 minutes.
5) If you decorate the outside of your house with halloween decorations, you must be home to pass out treats. It is okay to expect a few "tricks" is no one is home.
6) Don't hate the player, hate the game (see #4 & 5).
7) If you have halloween decorations inside and outside your home, they must be put away by midnight November 1.
8) Any left over candy must be brought to work. The only exception is chocolate anything- these are to be placed in the freezer for emergencies.
9) Regardless of what others tell you, dressing dead is okay. For ladies, dressing exotic is better and appreciated. Is it exotic or erotic- not sure anymore.
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Laura said...

That's funny stuff.

.. said...

You should see what happens here on the 31st!!