Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another appointment

Another appointment, another disappointment.

Another doctor (this time it's for Stanlee), another reminder call for a 9:30 visit, another perfect prep process, and an arrival time of 9:29.

Here we wait. 20 minutes past schedule. No emergency bump nor short staff. Why do I even try to commit to appointment times?
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Keeping Appointments

We have all see this on Seinfeld*, well maybe not everyone and I am specifically thinking of my doctor.

Last week I made an 8:00 Wednesday appointment to see my doctor. At that time he added me to his appointment book (witnessed by me) and even provided me a reminder card. This card was kept in plain view for a week in my car, nothing was keeping me from this appointment. Can you imagine where this is headed???

Tuesday morning I received a reminder phone from his office, I assured her that I would make my appointment time. My alarm clock was set for 7:00 am, just enough time to walk the dog, read the morning headlines, shower, and out the door by 7:53. The 5 minute driving time which includes the 1 possible red light would give me a 2 minute wait at the office.

Just as I planned, my entrance gave me 2 minutes to scan the month old magazines in the waiting room. My arrival was perfect, yet it appears my doctor had other plans.

When his head shot out into the waiting room requesting a few minutes I would be lying if I told you that surprised was not my immediate reaction. Secretly I was annoyed and wondering how long I would be asked to extend my patience. Overhearing his exam room interrogation revealed that he just started the process and that this appointment was nowhere near an emergency status. She better be real cute!!! (RG if you're reading this you know what I mean).

It was frustrating that as much as I planned for the perfect arrival there was a deflated feeling that the appointment at 8:00 fell short. As for the morning process there was nothing I could have done differently. Perhaps I could have called him before I left to remind him of my appointment time. Perhaps I could select another doctor.

He eventually did see me and routinely made another appointment including calendar addition and appointment card. I have one week to rethink the process.

*Seinfeld addressed reservations not appointments, I get that.
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Warranty expired

After 40 the reality that your body's warranty expired becomes a reality. My visit with a Podiatrist provided this morning's wake-up call. Last Monday a new pain developed in the heel of my foot. Each morning and each step shot a pulsing pain up from my left heel. Great...a new Today provided an explanation of my new discomfort; the stretching, pulling, and repair of my tendon was a new heel spur. Warranty expires & like clockwork maintaining the status quo now requires a series of steroid injections and a molded insert for my shoes. The first forty years of my life provided little preparation for the next set of forty. Perhaps I can blame this on my parents. What's next?!
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Sunday, November 29, 2009


As I took the first bite of my second slice did I notice the date. Four days after the Better Sell By date. Even though I realize this is not an expiration date, this kinda freaked me out. I did not add any more to my slice. Hate the dates!!
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Wow, can you believe that I am in bed @ 9:40 pm? Teeth brushed, dog walked, and lights are out. To think I actually needed a bedtime when I was younger. If I only knew then...I would have invested more hours catching Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Goodnite Moon
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Monday, October 12, 2009

Management at their best

I came home the other day to this discovery. WTF? Btw, the "F" stands for frick- lol!!

Here is the email I shot off to our management company and the board. Did I miss anything??

Regarding the new garbage area, what was the reason for the brilliant idea to place a communal garbage area right off the main road? This is quick thinking!! With property assessments low and condo selling a mile between contracts, this is a great way to showcase our community at its best. Bravo!

Obviously there was a garbage problem with a few residents and effective problem solving skills has moved a solution that dealt with the root cause and turned this into a community celebration. Pure genius!! Management of this community should be honored for upholding a high standard of quality living.

I always wanted to know how the other side lived. Now I do,... the trailer side.
Thanks, always looking to improve the quality at the Parc,
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Saturday, October 3, 2009


Football players on Saturdays bring families together. Parents celebrate. Siblings celebrate. Community celebrates.
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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Name My Price

Progressive’s “Name Your Price” commercial is so annoying …I love it. Flo, wonderfully played by Stephanie Courtney, is driving me crazy (pun intended). This car insurance company has one of the best marketing strategies I have seen in years. How often do you see a commercial that offers full customer control? For decades we are faced with whether to buy it or leave it. Now here comes Progressive saying can you buy insurance and you can name your price. Hmmmm…just how much coverage can I get for $60? If all I want to pay is $5.00 a month, then I guarantee you that you will get no more than 5% coverage.

What would that look like if my other favorite places offered the same deal? If Mario’s Pizza let me name my price, just how much can I get for $.50? Can Mobil let me fill my tank for $5.00? Can Best Buy let me name my price for a TV? Perhaps, yet would I be walking out satisfied?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Changes and the Familiar

Even with a nasty cold this morning, the desire to have a hot breakfast led me to the bagel diner around the corner. The usual crowd was 40ish age set the average down by 30 years. Harriet & her nurse jointly shared a platter and the "club" discussing grandchildren.

For the first time I noticed members of the breakfast bunch on their cell phones- not too unusual yet this is a senior crowd. No texting...yet, this too will come. Even my parents are starting to text. When I settled in my chair the conversation at the next table cleared of static. Facebook and reunions were being discussed. How his daughter attended a get together with friends she has not seen in 30 years. While the bagel bunch was familiar with the website, they have yet to find a use. Then as usual the conversation turned to ulcers and the Dolphins. Go fins!!
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Saturday, September 5, 2009


The end of the 3rd quarter , the 12th man on the field shed its shadow. Rumblings of Orange…Blue…Orange..Blue.

When #12 is needed the most...the time when the 2nd and 3rd stringers need to be reminded that the pain is worth the effort, that Gainesville is more than a place, that Florida Field just is, and that each player needs to be reminded “What it’s like to be a Florida Gator”.

Now…for the boys of old florida

Go Gators!


This is the land of Ricola! A few tabs with hot tea, hunny, and Jack Daniels will end this discomfort.
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Sunday, August 30, 2009


This appears to be a message left by the tree.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Evening Walk

I walk outside and the first thing I notice is that I left my super sized umbrella at work. A brief inventory of the one I have in the closet and the extra in my car tells me it’s okay to continue, yet I leave them both behind. There is a strong stillness in the trees and a grey covering above. Stanlee and I continue around the corner and as he tracks the scent of the neighbors, a drop lands near his feet. Just how much time do we have? While looking around for other drops, the stillness in the air shifts into a breeze building into a concert of rustling leaves. We retreat and track back without stopping. A few yards from my building, a drop lands on my shoulder, another on my feet. We speed up. The wall of water falls just as we break under cover. Whew! He get two treats : )

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Something old and something new

As I have left my district position in professional development and returned to the classroom I have spent some time this summer on preparing for my 3rd grade class. I was eager to revisit my old favorites...our class constitution, poetry after lunch, musical moods, socratic seminars, text connections and of course the technology.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

11:00 News

When I was younger, young enough to have a bedtime, I remember my father staying up to watch the local news at 11:00. Well, here I am, stretched out reclining on my sofa watching the daily updates. It's just after 11 and I feel like I am looking into a mirror of the past.

Yet, not all is the same. I feel like this is more like the Bizzaro version. The on-demand, just in time online news service has replaced my local and cable news feed. The way of my parents has lost my interest. While things change they also improve. John Stewart and his team have managed to bring a well balanced comedic taste that revives the depleting spirit of global and national events. I was laughing so loud Stanlee walked out into the other room to get some sleep. Hey, if it wasn't for laughter I would be writing about tears.
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

The wrestling industry knows how to develop talent

Growing up I watched World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) for mindless pleasure in the back and forth battles between good and evil wrestlers. Now my interest is with the backstage news and politics that developed talent that transformed a local promotion into a global business.

As reported from Ewrestling News the experienced wrestlers (Edge, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio) are working really hard with the newbies in the business (John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Mike Knox). These newbies are being viewed as potential Superstars a change “to the veteran mentality in the past where the opinion of newer talent was that they haven't paid their dues or are missing something important to become a star.”

The relationship between the two groups is grounded in the common goal to provide the customers with a quality product. The mentoring relationship is critical to this success and that of each individual and of the organization. What drives the Superstar to mentor is the recognition of being a locker room leader and is rewarded with television airtime and pay per view opportunities. What is unique in WWE is that worth ethic is evaluated by how well you make your opponent look good during a performance. Can you imagine if our educators were evaluated with the same criteria? This connection will have me looking for similar relationships with our classroom teachers. Just what is the veteran mentality? What will inspire competent and qualified teachers to mentor? Are new educators viewed as potential superstars? Does the success of the team outweigh the success of the individual?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The MJ Memorial

At the conclusion of the Michael Jackson memorial, CNN’s camera focused on a teenage girl shedding tears. Strangely, this single image refreshed a memory of an interview with Tim Burton. Tim mentioned how he enjoys watching movies on cable (at the time satellite was not a common option) and how this experience connects him to other viewers watching the same movie. As he got lost in Vincent Price he knew others around the county were with him on this magic movie experience. As he jumped he knew others jumped too. Watching this girl weeping you knew others were weeping too. Quite a remarkable event.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

If I go out

There are a few mornings when the idea of making my own breakfast is not an option. Usually the previous night's activities dictate my morning outcome. While a Denny's and local nook fan in the past, Ihop has taken a promising lead. What sets Ihop apart from the rest is not the quality of the scrambled eggs or their fluffy pancakes, it is the placemat that has become the deciding factor.

Perhaps its the "Monk" in me, yet it seems that I find it quite difficult to eat from utensils just lying on the table. I understand there are many places for germ contamination, however this is one that is right in my face. As soon as the food arrives the plate is a great resting place for my fork and knife, but where the heck do I place my spoon? I have been seen palacing my coffee spoon on well stacked empty Equal packets, yet this paper alter usually doesn't last the duration of the meal and sacrificing the corner of the napkin is not an option. The "clean" paper placemat while probably not a Green option is providing a distraction and a false security that I can appreciate.

Besides at Ihop there is no wait for that coffee refill (on #4 now)- a win anywhere witht this type of morning.

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Saturday, June 13, 2009


A week ago there were 10 baby ducks. Now half are gone. Where are they and why do I think the worst? BTW-I did not have math problems like this in school!
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gimme Shelter

While waiting for the red light to change, this storm moved across my view. The race to get home and walk the Stan officially began!
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Half sour & dill

Being greeted with a plate of half sour/dill pickles with green tomatoes is one of the few pleasures I can still find at my local deli 'rant, the Pastrami Club. Usually around Wednesday I get the pickle itch. Once I start to scratch the only relief in sight is to give in, hands up in surrender and ask for a booth. Before the waitress can even greet me, satisfaction arrives and the itching stops. The assortment is a sodium nightmare, yet quite a tasty delight. As soon as the plate hits the table, I slice & dice like Edward Sissorhands in a beauty parlor even finishing before the meal arrives. There have been times when after canabalizing the plate and the carnage ends, I ended up taking my entire lunch back home to go. I walk away happy knowing there will be more pickles another day.
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Sunday, May 17, 2009

3 a.m. Snack

Can we agree that at 3 in the morning everything tastes good on a bagel? It was empty the fridge nite when making these. Can you name the ingredients?
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Perfect Pickup

The alignment of time and space when arriving at an airport to welcome out of town guests is viewed by many as the Perfect Pickup. I guess if I were writing this when I was younger you would be reading about how to grab a girl’s attention. Nonetheless this is about experiencing zero wait time upon arrival. For years I was able to call the airline and check on the status of the flight yet once I left the house any changes in status would only be discovered after aimlessly circling the airport. While my cell phone informed me of changes and web access provided real time adjustments, the perfect pickup is not always guaranteed.

The other night I had the opportunity to experience such an event. I planned accordingly using all necessary tools to facilitate the alignment. My cousin informed me that his bags were carry-on and he would meet me outside immediately after landing. Everything was looking great, traffic was light, no unexpected surprises, and the plane was on time. As I approached the off-ramp from the interstate to the airport entrance my cousin called, this was too good to be true. This was the phone call I was expecting all night. The one that was going to tell me he arrived. This was the phone call telling me that he is headed for the arrival area. No delays, no unexpected surprises, and the plane arrived on time. The perfect pickup was in sight.

I answered and I heard what I wanted to hear…almost. He arrived safely (a good thing), yet his bags were checked in at the airport. The perfect pickup escaped by the delay of waiting for baggage claim. The perfect pickup was once again just a fantasy, yet having spent the last few days with family; I realized I had the exceptional pickup.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Finished before 41

And I have over two weeks to spare. Today is graduation and if I was in Phoenix, Arizona right now I would be walking to receive my degree. I just read that some universities are eliminating the customary handshake, yet what I find disturbing is that the shake was not replaced by the "fist pump". Hey, if it's good enough for the President...that's all I have to say about that. (Insert a fist pump here!)

I'm not sure what happens next. I did not always aspire to have a Master's degree or to be bothered by the course work. Hoops should be a game played on the court, not in the classroom. Yet despite the hoops, I did enjoy the challenge of reading, writing, and debating with my classmates. I'm going to spend the next few days decompressing and wondering what to do with this new piece of paper.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

New family member

I think I spent the last few days preparing a nursery for a new member of the family. Now I am not talking about a new baby boy or girl, but a new television. Before you make judgment on the comparison, consider how I spent the last few days.

1) Shop for the right make and model. Some folks are still old fashioned and just accept with what they have and there is nothing wrong with that. However, there is a group of parents who actually place an order with a little help from DNA science. My process was not that costly, yet highly involved. Between reading cnet and consumer report reviews and product observation, this process was almost a full time job.

2) Remove old furniture. I actually placed the old TV and stand in the bedroom. This displacement is what a first born might feel before the arrival of the second child.  Say goodbye to the office and hello to the nursery.

3) Clean up the area and surrounding furniture. This is close to #2, yet the focus is on cleanliness not just changing of the furniture. The new TV must enter a sterile environment.

4) The waiting. Once you have made the selection is juts a matter of waiting for arrival. Some arrival dates/ times are specific while others provide a "window".

5) Arrival. Upon arrival the feeling of relief turns to concern. As a new owner, one must know the proper care and maintenance to promote health and wellness. Yes, we are still talking about a television.

6) Celebration. Invite friends and family to meet, greet, and enjoy the company of the new arrival. Bringing snacks in hand is welcomed and encouraged.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009


I had a cravin for McFries. Instead of sending you the pic of this tasty treat, I'll share you the plate of the vehicle that almost hit the side of my car. Having worked at McDs, I can honestly say that there is nothing on the menu worthy of an accident. Well...maybe the chocolate shake w/ fries. Mmmmmm...fries!

On another note, keep an eye out for McIdiots.
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Dealing with stress

While thousands of people spend millions of dollars learning to deal with stress, I stand behind the good 'ol fashion ice cream sundae. I don't need a lecture on how this is ignoring the issue or avoiding the root cause, I just don't care. What I do know is that what is causing my stress is relative (not relatives) and I will probably find a common sense solution in a matter of days. With that being said, let me find some immediate comfort and please pass the cherries.
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

h2o problem?

It's been over a month since "The Flood" and while I sit here and wait for my insurance check I thought it would be a good idea to share some basic first steps to get through a h2o crisis.

As you approach your house and discover there is a water leak there are a few steps I recommend for you to take into consideration. This will get you through the first hour.

The following takes place between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. (insert ticking sound effect from 24) tick, tick, tick...
Step 1. As you notice water flowing from under your front door and filling the driveway- Don't Freak Out!

Step 2. Turn off the main water valve.

Step 3. Open the front door and as the water pours over your feet- Don't Freak Out!

Step 4. Swim to the back of the house and open all available doors. For me I had two sliding glass doors to open. Water should also begin to move out from this area.

Step 5. Comfort your wet dog, who doesn't have a clue to what just happened. His presence assures you that the water is not dangerous. Message to self: wall mount everything, especially electric strips.

Step 6. Don't Freak Out!

Step 7. Call your insurance company. If this occurres after work hours call a water removal service. Explain the situation to your insurance agent. I was fortunate enough to have them send the water removal company.

Step 8. Your priority at this time is to remove the water and take pictures of everything.

Step 9. Wait for water removal company.

Step 10. Don't Freak Out!

Step 11. Call plumber to fix the leak. Until the damage is fixed, your house has no water. No water = No toilet!

Step 12. Comfort your wet dog- provide treat for distraction.

Step 13. Don't Freak Out!

Step 14. Look for your old presciption of xanax. Don't take any yet, but you will need it later.

Step 15. Look around the room, yes it's depressing, however youi notice the flood has drowned all of your dust bunnies. Yippee!!!

Step 16. Keep calling the insurance agent. He/she needs to recognize the sounds of urgency in your voice. Have them call the water removal service again. If you the agent over, you'll get faster service.

That's about it for the first hour. I don't remember much after that...see Step 14!!
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Sunday, March 8, 2009


The process of recovery has begun. Yesterday I picked out the tile for my bedrooms and hallway. Installation begins in one week and fortunately that is all the time I have available to spend. For the next seven days I need to prepare by moving all that is moveable (key definition is breakable) into a secure part of the house. I cannot think of a better to evaluate the amount and/or value of crap I have accumulated over the years. Wish me luck!
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February- part deux

I am soooo getting a second opinion!!!

PS- Loos good and all will be ok. Yeah!!!!
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February needs to end NOW!

Let me just express how pleased I am that there are only 28 days in February, this has not been a good month.  What started as peaceful has been snowballing into issues of annoyance and stress.  I'm hesitant to gripe since no one has died, however being sick is now in the cards. First there was Stanlee with his exploding tail issue, which was quickly followed by the car rubbing problem ant Publix. Thank you to the driver who hit and left the car for my discovery, fortunately one good thing came out of having my car repaired and painted- the body shop did an amazing job of cleaning the exterior. These two events were the prequel to my house being flooded…please keep in mind that this is all within 7 days. 

Comfort came from friends who assured me that "things come in 3s" and I am all done with my problems. Well…another issue arrived this past week that has a direct relationship to the first three problems. Due to the stress and anxiety of the past week, I decided to take out my frustration in the bedroom. Let's just say (in trying to keep this blog PG13) that you can actually cause trauma to your body, specifically below the waist, when activity becomes a little rough. As a result I found myself thinking I needed surgery all weekend long and headed to the urologist first thing Monday morning. He confirmed that my damage was not infected and did not require medical treatment other than rest and to maintain a HIGH level of water intake.

Currently I am not allowed any extra-curricular activities, which are fine since I am headed to the bathroom every 10 minutes! When does March arrive????
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cure for stress

Take as needed. 'Nuff said!
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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Observation: What does it say? What can it mean?

I decided to leave Ground Zero (this is what I am now calling my. home until it becomes functional again) and head out for breakfast. While I was waiting for my meal, I could not help but overhear the conversation behind me.

Sitting in the booth was an elderly man, not quite AARP, but well over mid-life. This is what I was able to hear(W=waitress, C=customer):

W: Coffee?
C: No coffee, just water with lemon.
C: What happened to the All American Slam for $4.00
W: We changed the menu, but you can create your own slam.
C: What do you recommend on the senior menu that has the most food for the price?
(I was unable to hear her full response)
W: Biscuit or toast
C: What kind of biscuit
W: We only have one kind.
C: I'll take the biscuit, looks bigger

The rest of his time which I observed was his attempt to schedule house viewing. Broker?

From my observation, can I determine what does it say or what can it mean?
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

One step at a time

I’ve been spending a considerable amount of time contemplating the relationship between planning and reaching goals. My obsession started with the excessive “coach speak” during the NCAA football season. While each coach had aspirations and goals to improve their rankings and receive a bowl berth, they effective coaches maintained their immediate focus not on the future in January, but on the next game. So I began to wonder, when it comes to planning how close to the point of action is necessary for success? Or was my question, does planning too far in advance increase your chances on missing your goals. I wasn’t sure, but I do know that the successful coaches didn’t prepare for the games two weeks away but planned for the next week. Yet is that close enough? Did they plan for each day of the week or just the next practice session? Perhaps after the Saturday game and watching the game film, they planned for Sunday, and took each day one day at a time.

Ok, now why is this a pressing issue? Well…this past Monday I came home to a house ankle deep in water from corner to corner. I am not sure what was more shocking: seeing water flowing out my front door or seeing Stanlee paddling through the water in the living room. I am not prepared to discuss the volume of damage other than living displaced is causing an undesirable amount of stress. That said, I am preoccupied with the though of my long-term goal of life back to normal. Yet I get lost when it comes to planning how to get there. If I get too far ahead in my plans I get consumed with anxiety. Only when I focus on the closest act to me is where I find serenity. Perhaps that too, as it has for the coaches mentioned above will lead me to success.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Treating an infant

The whinning. The crying. The shaking. The lack of eating. The lack of pottty time. The sad looks. The tears. The cuddle.

What is a dad to do when his baby is sick and unable to tell you what's wrong? Sunday night I noticed his routine was a bit off and I did not pay too much attention to this; he came from spending 5 days with his grandparents and I thought this was just a natural transition or at least it was not uncommon to avoid food for a while.

The next morning, I noticed excessive licking of the tail and a closer look showed an unusually large growth spotting blood. We ran to vet and they identified an infected ruptured growth--yuck. I didn't have a free hand to take that picture. Well, two plus hours later he had surgery to remove the growth and patch up what is left of his tail.

For the past two days (going on 3) I have been monitoring his rest (quite little), food intake (practically none), tail swelling (seems ok), tail licking (24/7), and bowel movements (which stopped altogether). My sleep schedule had been replaced with watching him. I fear that if not monitored properly he can lose his tail.

I repackaged his bandage and now I wait for the lab tests.

Any suggestions on how to find balance would be welcomed & appreciated. Thanks

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Friday, January 23, 2009

Be careful what you ask for

The previous vodka sour was provided without a cherry, yet plenty of stem. This is what happens when you bring this to your bartender's attention.
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Sunday, January 4, 2009

No down time?

With lights still adorning homes, trees still in the living rooms and wax buildup on the menorah, can someone please explain to me why the rush for Valentines Day, I personally like to call it V-D. Is Hallmark in such a need to reinforce the love and caring to each other in a way that the holiday spirit simply missed?

It is just easier to find a card that shares the same sentiment that you wished you had the ability and creativity to compose? Chances are you do, yet there is little money to be made for hand made cards with personal verse of poetry. That is of course you were raised in Florida and is quite comfortable with formula writing.
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